Planning a trip to Tibet ?

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Tibet is often referred to in popular Western literature as "The Roof of the World."

Planning a trip to Tibet ?

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Tibet Tour in new Century :-

Tibet s located at the southwest frontier of China with a vase land of more than 1.2 million square kilometers. Tibet borders with India, Nepal Bhutan, Burma and neighbors with Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan. Tibety has a total population of more than 2.56 million, among which Tibetan takes up 94.7%. Other main nationalities include Hon, Mena, Luoba, hui, Naxi, etc.
This spectacular land is charming for its beautiful natural landscape, glorious history and culture, unique folk custom with all of which Tibet has attracted more and more tourists from home and abroad. Tibet has already become the hottest world level tourist destination in the world.
Tibet is often referred to in popular Western literature as "The Roof of the World."
Tibet is often referred to in popular Western literature as "The Roof of the World. "Tibet covers 1.2 million sq. kms constituting one eighth of China's land mass, nearly as large as the total territories of Germany and France. Tibet, borders India, Burma, Bhutan, Sikkim, & Nepal. The plateau is surrounded by the highest mountain ranges, the Himalaya to the south, the Karakoram to the west and the Kunlun to the north. Serial smaller mountains block it off in the east with internal provinces of China. With an average height of 4,000 meters above sea level, Tibet owns a group of giant mountains, Mt. Everest, and 4 mountains higher than 8,000 meters and 38 higher than 7,000 meters, becomes the dreamland mountaineers and adventures.

History Of Tibet

The Tibetan was the descendents of a male Monkey and a female Rock-demon. This was probably invented by outsiders when they witness the Tibetan custom of covering or painting their faces to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions. Later on, in the writing of the great 5th Dalai Lama, the story changed the Monkey to Avalokitesvara, a disciple of Buddha and known as GuanYin by Han people (Jiaga in Tibetan) as a goddess, the Venus of Han. Moreover, the Rock-demon became a goddess. In fact, the great 5th Dalai Lama further claimed that the Tibetan King, Srong-tsan-gam-po, was a reincarnation of Avalokitesvara, and his Han wife, princess Wen-Cheng, was the reincarnation of the goddess Tara or Mother-savior. This becomes an important story of Tibet.

Five hundred years before Buddha Sakyamuni came into the world i.e; circa 1063 B.C, a semi legemdery figure known as Lord Shenarb Miwo reformed the primitive animism of the Shen race and founded the Tibetan Bon religion. According to Bonpo sources there were 18 kings who ruled on Tibet before king Nyatri Tsenpo. In 1254, Kublai Khan granted supreme authority over Tibet to Sakya Pandit's nephew, the leader of Sakya order. Tibet was thus incorporated as one 13 provinces of China. At the end Yuan Dyantsey, sakya order declined and was replaced by Kagyu order, whose patron offered tribute to the imperial court and was conferred with tiles and authority to administrate. After the Ming Dyantsey was established, tibetan high lames were summounted to the imperial court to receive tiles and appointments.

In 1751, Mongol Atlan Khan gave his submission to the Ming Dyantsey and asked for the imperial permission to invite Sonam Gyatso, the third Dalai Lama to give him spritual guide. In 1578, Atlon Khan conferred Sonam Gyatso, the title of Dalai Lama. In 1641, under the patronage of Qosot Gushri Khan, Gandan Podrang Dyantsey took teh regin and Gelugpa, the order of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama stepped into political 1652, the fifth Dalai Lama was summoned to Beijing and in 1653 he was reconferred with the title Dalai Lama and made religios leader of Tibet Buddhism by emperor Shunzhi. in1682 the fifth Dalai Lama passed away and depute arose in the identifications of the sixth Dalai Lama.

In 1709, Emperor Kangxi sent his imperial envoy to assist the local magistrate Lhabzang Khan, grandson of Gushri Khan. but in 1717 Dzungar Mongols attacked Tibet and killed Lhabzang Khan, sacked monasteries and deposed of the sixth Dalai Lama. Lot drawing process was introduced to avoid dispute in the identification of high lamas and their installation should be approved by the central government in 1793. A treaty was signed between Tibet and great Britain on September 7, 1904. During the British invasion Tibet conducted her affairs as an independent country. when the British invaded Tibet, the 13th dalai Lama went to Mongolia. And when the Dalai Lama finally returned to Lhasa in 1909, he found that contrary to all promises he had received in Peking, Chao troops were at his heels. In India the Dalai Lama and his ministers appealed to the British Govt. to help Tibet. Meanwhile the Manchu occupation force tried to subvert the Tibetan Government and to divide Tibet into Chinese provinces - exactly what, not half a century later, the Communist Chinese would do.

In 1951, Tibet was peacefully liberated under the 17-point Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet. Hundreds of thousands serfs were liberated from the yoke of serfdom.On May 23, 1951 a Tibetan delegation, which had gone to Peking to hold talks on the invasion, was forced to sign the so-called "17-point Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet", with threats of more military action in Tibet and by forging the official seals of Tibet.The Chinese then used this document to carry out their plans to turn Tibet into a colony of China disregarding the strong resistance by the Tibetan people. What is more, the Chinese violated every article of this unequal 'treaty' which they had imposed on the Tibetans. On March 10, 1959 the nation wide Tibetan resistance culminated in the Tibetan National uprising against the Chinese in Lhasa. thousand of men, women & children's were massacred in the streets and many more imprisoned and deported. monasteries and temples were shelled.

On March 17, 1959 the Dalai Lama left Lhasa and escaped from the pursuing Chinese to seek political asylum in India. There are now more than one hundred thousand Tibetan refugees all over the world. It has been almost 40 years since Chinese occupied Tibet and the destruction of a unique Culture is still going on Tibet, yet the world has not come in aid of Tibet, only lip service.

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